Through keeping track of the latest developments in Labour Law and legislation, we are able to assist employers and employees in employment, industrial relations and labour issues:
- Drafting, Interpretation and Termination of Employment Contracts;
- Advice on Minimum Standards Legislation;
- Assistance with Unfair Dismissals, including Automatically Unfair Dismissals;
- Residual Unfair Labour Practises;
- Dispute Resolution;
- Regulation of Collective Agreements;
- Collective Bargaining Forums;
- Strikes and Lock-outs;
- Picketing and Protest Actions;
- Compliance with the Basic Conditions of Employment Act as well as Labour Relations Act;
- Freedom of Association (including agency shop agreements and closed shop agreements);
- Organisational Rights as well as the Regulation of Collective Agreements;
- Assistance with Employment Equity Act and Black Economic Empowerment Legislation;
- Formulating and Chairing of Disciplinary Hearings;
- Recognition Agreements and Negotiations with Trade Unions and Bargaining Councils;
- Conducting Retrenchments and dismissals;
- Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration issues;
- Litigation in labour related issues.